Having a sociolinguist position in an English and Linguistics department in an undergraduate-focused liberal arts institution is something I was too afraid to dream of because there weren’t many such jobs when I was on the academic job market. (There still aren’t.) I am happy to be in an institution that values undergraduate education and love exploring language and society with academically- and socially-engaged students.
Fall 2023
Linguistics 101B: Introduction to Linguistics (honors)
Linguistics 302: Introduction to Sociolinguistics and Anthropological Linguistics
Spring 2024
Linguistics 101B: Introduction to Linguistics
Linguistics 4701A: Language and Culture (seminar)
Other courses at Mary Washington
Linguistics 307: Language and Gender
Linguistics 308: Language and Race
Linguistics 470N: Sociolinguistic Field Methods (seminar)
Linguistics 470R: Discourse Analysis (seminar)
Linguistics 470U: Linguistics of Names (seminar)
Courses at UC Santa Barbara
Language and Power: Examines how social identities and relations (nationality, class, ethnicity, age, gender) are constructed, maintained, and challenged via language practices, policies, and ideologies. Considers power dynamics in multiple domains including everyday interaction, education, media (advertising, news, film/tv, online), and political discourse. (Spring 2010)
Asian American Languages and Cultures: Examines the linguistic complexity of Asian Americans from a variety of perspectives including Asian American studies, linguistics, communication, sociology, education, and anthropology. (Fall 2008, Summer 2009, Spring 2011)
Asian American Popular Culture: A historical survey of how Asians and Asian Americans have been represented in American popular culture and an analysis of alternative models of popular culture. Texts include literature, theatre, television, and film. (Winter 2011)
Digital Video Editing (Summer 2008 at the Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation)